Category: Chasing Payments

  • Should You Be Prepared To Do A Deal With A Late Paying Client?

    There are a multitude of reasons why a client doesn’t pay an invoice from simply being an oversight to an attempt to cheat you out of money that is rightfully yours. So in what circumstances should you be prepared to make a deal over an unpaid invoice? This decision is a difficult one to make…

  • Advice On Calculating Late Payment Costs

    Most business owners have experienced a late paying client at one point or another. Trying to recover the money can be a frustrating, time consuming and sometimes even a costly process. The latter can often put people off pursuing debts for fear of losing more money than the amount they are trying to recover. Fortunately,…

  • 3 Top Tips To Help You Recover Debts

    Being owed money is an unfortunate side effect of doing business for many company owners and recovering them can cause further pain when the process becomes a long, drawn out affair, which is often the case with bad customers. So help you recover you debts as quickly as possible here are 3 top tips to…

  • Advice On Chasing Payments From Your Customers

    No matter how good your relationship is with your customer, a refusal to pay what is owed amounts to them hanging on to money that rightfully belongs to you. If everyone took advantage of a service then refused to pay for it then then the economy would grind to a halt so non-payment is a…