Don’t Give Up Chasing That International Business Debt
With all this talk of Brexit you can be forgiven for thinking anything involving international business is fraught with red tape and hostile foreign nationals out to get us. In some cases you may be right and it can be much more difficult to recover debts from customers abroad than here in the UK. To…
Should You Use Social Media To Get Your Invoices Paid?
There is little doubt that social media has brought about revolutionary changes in the way we communicate with each other. Even the US president uses it as a way to communicate his thoughts about other world leaders and the issues of the day so does that mean it’s ok for business owners to use it…
Top Tips To Help Freelancers Get Paid On Time
Freelancers are often overworked and underpaid because they lack all the support a fully fledged business will have in dealing with the financial aspects of a business. The freelancer will not only be doing the work, they will also be required to be their operation’s collection department, accountant and salesperson all in one. This of…
If You’re Thinking of Writing Off Bad Debt, Read This First
A common reaction of business owners to non-payment is to simply give up the pursuit and simply write money owing off as a bad debt. This is usually because the perceived cost and hassle involved with debt recovery seems to outweigh the benefits. Yet writing off bad debt means two things, you don’t receive the…
Don’t Get Caught Out By Business Fraudsters
The vast majority of clients you may have dealings with in business will be reasonably honest and trustworthy. but a small minority can cause you problems you may not have anticipated when taking them on. Here’s 5 siple tips on how to avoid those types of businesses and save yourself from having to pursue them…
Don’t Want To Go To Court Over Debt? Issue A Winding Up Order Instead
If one of your business customers owes you money and you don’t want to go through all the hassle and expense of taking them to county court and through a long litigation process, then a winding up order could be a better alternative. Winding up orders can be used when a company owes a debt…