Category: Debt Collection

  • 3 Questions To Ask A Customer That Hasn’t Paid On Time

    Sometimes customers decide not to pay, sometimes even if they have always paid on time before. When this happens it can be frustrating and time consuming trying to find out what might have gone wrong to cause them not to pay and then more time chasing the payment. Sometimes it could be all due to…

  • Why You Should Keep Your Customer Up To Date On Late Payment Policy

    If you have owned a business for a period of time, there is a good chance you have come across clients who either decide not to pay for the goods or services you provided or try to delay payments. This can sometimes set in motion a long the long and difficult process of debt recovery…

  • Debt Charities Complain That Bailiffs Continue To Abuse Powers

    Debt charities have been highlighting how some bailiffs have been continuing to intimidate debtors despite changes in the law designed to place limits on their powers. The flouting of current rules and regulations could see the government take a harder line particularly when there are reports that debtors have been treated unfairly. While the complaints…

  • How To Recover Your Debts Without Frightening Clients

    If you’re a business having problems with bad debts, those clients continuing to avoid paying you can make your blood boil. The problem is when those clients that owe you money are your most valuable clients, it’s unlikely you will want to frighten them away altogether. So what should you do to avoid scaring your…

  • Debt Recovery From European Debtors Post Brexit

    Brexit will almost certainly continue to create seismic shockwaves to the economy in the months ahead and plenty of uncertainty for UK businesses trading with companies in the EU. While previously businesses could fall back on the support of European Union laws when settling disputes, the triggering of Article 50 will eventually remove that support…

  • Why Even Sole Traders Can Benefit From Debt Collection Agencies

    Sole traders are often too busy or lack the resources needed to chase late payments and recover debts, which is why hiring a debt collection agency to take care of debt recovery can be a great time and money saver. While most businesses and individuals will honour their payment commitments, a small minority will either…

  • Want To Avoid Disputes? Always Include Your Payment Terms!

    The biggest cause of disputes over payments relate to payment terms that are either unclear or they weren’t visible at all during the sales process. Even the smallest details can give customers the opportunity to wriggle out of their payment obligations or delay making those payments. Common mistakes include failing to add payment deadlines to…

  • UK Suffers A Festive Debt Hangover

    Christmas on the credit card is seen as the main reason why many British people will be feeling the pinch in 2017. A survey by uSwitch found that 85% of people will be paying off credit card debts in the New Year. This could lead to people being more conservative about their spending as they…