Utility Debt Collection
In these challenging times, we believe that by treating your customers fairly and with compassion and respect, we will deliver additional value to your overall customer experience strategy by working in partnership with you across all areas of debt collection. Churchill Recovery Solutions is a one-stop shop to support your collections teams in resolving outstanding…
Sharp rise recorded in landlords seeking to recover rental debt
The number of landlords seeking to recover lost rent has soared according to eviction and housing law specialists, Landlord Action, who have seen a sharp rise in landlords requesting to use their debt recovery service. Instructions for the last year, April 2021 to March 2022, were up 180% compared to the pre-pandemic year, April 2019…
The harsh realities of debt recovery and how to deal with them
If you have ever had to recover an overdue invoice from a difficult customer, you will know all too well know the process is rarely straightforward. This article will cover 3 harsh realities of the debt recovery process and will also provide guidance as to how best deal with such potential issues. Debt recovery isn’t…
Three-step process
Whatever the size or age of the debt, we can save you time by advising you at the earliest stage about the best way to go about recovering your money. Our three-step process makes understanding debt recovery easy and our aim is to resolve matters before step two. These steps are; 1. Pre-litigation This includes:…