Category: Recover Payments

  • Recovering Debt from Outside Within the EU

    Recovering debt from companies outside the UK is no easy task for the average business owner but despite the popular myth that it is impossible to recover money from foreign companies, the EU does offer similar protections to those in the UK. All this of course may change if the UK fails to reach a…

  • Lack of Awareness Of Late Payment Law Could Be Costing You Money

    Late paying customers are not only a nuisance, they can also cost your business more than the sums they owe. Fortunately there are laws to protect your business from late paying customers and it is worth reading up on them if you ever need to take advantage. So the first thing to do if you…

  • Why Time Is Precious In Debt Recovery

    A common issue when businesses decide to pursue their customers for unpaid bills is the amount of time that has passed before they get to that stage. Some businesses might leave it for more than a year before they decide to pursue debtors and this often creates some ambiguity into what rights a company has…

  • Debt Recovery Just Got Tougher For Businesses

    …At least when it comes to recovering money owed by individuals and sole traders following the introduction of a new set of rules introduced this month to ‘speed up’ up the debt recovery process. For anyone who isn’t aware, the new Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims came into force this month (1 October). The new…

  • When Is It Too Late To Recover Payments?

    A common question for people seeking payments for overdue invoices from customers is when is it too late to recover payments? While we all like to think that our customers will do the right thing and pay on time, sometimes you will come up against customers who have no intention of settling their invoices. Weeks…