The one thing that puts people off going to debt recovery companies is the fear they will be getting involved with gangsters who will send out some burly individuals to force people to hand over what they owe.
Of course these sorts of people do still exist and in the distant past getting into debt could be quite scary, but things have changed a lot in the more civilised society we live in today including the debt collection industry.
Even some of the terminology has changed, for instance it is frowned upon to label someone a debtor, they are now referred to as defaulters which doesn’t come across as quite so harsh.
What you get with a modern debt collection agency is a much kinder and more empathetic approach to recovering money owed. We understand that debt can happen to anyone and take this into consideration when we deal with each case.
With the UK rapidly heading towards being a cashless society and outstanding card debt rising to £68.5 billion in the UK, according to the latest figures, debt problems are likely to become worse rather than better.
To recover those debts as a business requires a sensitive considered approach to navigate through what can be a difficult process and take the right course to getting the money you are owed.