Tag: Debt Collection Tips

  • Indebted Businesses Could Be Given US-Style Insolvency Protection

    If a business owes you money you may need to act sooner rather or face a longer wait to be paid under new proposals for US-Style insolvency protection. Businesses that find themselves in financial difficulties and pursued by creditors may soon have an extra six weeks to help them recover and turn things around. At…

  • Is Your Business Prepared For Another Recession?

    Recessions are as inevitable as anything else in life and with recent news that debt levels are once again spiralling out of control in the UK, it is only a matter of time before the next one arrives. As a business owner you may well be having a better time of it than in the…

  • Should Investors Be Worried About UK Debt Levels?

    Low interest rates are something we have come to expect in the UK such is the length of time the bank of England has kept them at 0.5%. Various macroeconomic factors have conspired to keep them that way. Falling energy prices and the need to keep the economy growing are just two of the factors…

  • Funeral Expenses Debt – Handle With Care

    Funeral debts like any other debt still need to be recovered, but with debts due to rising funeral costs rising, it’s more important than ever to find a sympathetic debt recovery firm to do the sensitive work for you. No company wants to risk gaining a reputation for chasing money from bereaved families so it’s…

  • Are Households And Companies On A New Debt Binge?

    UK households and businesses have been busy binging on credit according to reports in the Times recently. This could well increase the pressure on already indebted households to keep up with their repayments. According to the Times people are spending their loans on cars, mortgages and business loans which suggests that people are confident enough…

  • How To Collect Your Past Due Accounts

    So you have delivered your project on time or perhaps even ahead of time and your client still won’t pay you on time. What are your options? Do you send them a firm email or shout at their accounts department? The difficulty for any business owner waiting for payment is to weigh up the cost…

  • CCJ Increase Could Be A Sign Of Difficulties To Come In 2016

    The UK’s GDP growth has been steady, if unspectacular in the last 12 months while unemployment levels have fallen, but new figures released on CCJs hint that dark clouds may be on the horizon for the economy. According to figures from 2015, 56% of claims made to the County Court resulted in CCJs. CCJs are…

  • Npower Fined £26m Over Billing And Complaint Handling

    IT system problems were behind Npower’s failure to treat customers fairly on billing and the handling of complaints. When it comes to debt recovery, the importance of keeping adequate records about clients and customers cannot be overstated. Recording bills that have and have not been paid is one of the basics of accounting in business,…