3 Occasions When You Might Need Help From A Debt Recovery Agency
Occasionally in business you will have the misfortune of dealing with clients who regularly pay late or worse still don’t pay at all. Attempting to get rogue clients or customers to pay up can sap the energy out of your business and an increase in stress levels. You also have the added dilemma of not…
Which UK Region Has The Most Indebted SMEs?
Large amounts of debt can be a massive red flag if it’s a company you are about to enter into a business arrangement with. A recent survey however might help you decide which is the best part of the UK to be doing business in if you want to avoid potential problems with debt recovery.…
Advice On Calculating Late Payment Costs
Most business owners have experienced a late paying client at one point or another. Trying to recover the money can be a frustrating, time consuming and sometimes even a costly process. The latter can often put people off pursuing debts for fear of losing more money than the amount they are trying to recover. Fortunately,…
Gym Membership Debt Recovery
As the annual January fitness craze begins to ebb away and gyms start to empty, the prospect of members defaulting on their payments or attempting to get out of lengthy contractual agreements is likely to rise once again. As we head towards spring, this is the most likely time gyms will be dealing with cancellations…
What Should A Late Payment Include?
Late payment or debt recovery letters as they are sometimes called can be an effective way to recover debts if they are put together correctly. Here’s some advice on how to compile your own letter and what and how much to include. Before we get started it is also worth noting that you may need…
January Debt Recovery
January can be a particularly difficult time for business owners. It often takes time to rebuild momentum following a shut down when most staff and employees have been off work for what is often the longest period of the year. While businesses have their problems getting up to speed, they are also more likely to…
How To Improve Your Debt Recovery Processes
Late payments can have a major impact on business survival therefore it is crucial that an effective process is in place to tackle the problem before it gets out of hand. As with any effective operation, preparation is the key and there is a lot that can be done to streamline your business debt recovery…
Why Time Is Precious In Debt Recovery
A common issue when businesses decide to pursue their customers for unpaid bills is the amount of time that has passed before they get to that stage. Some businesses might leave it for more than a year before they decide to pursue debtors and this often creates some ambiguity into what rights a company has…