3 Occasions When You Might Need Help From A Debt Recovery Agency

Occasionally in business you will have the misfortune of dealing with clients who regularly pay late or worse still don’t pay at all. Attempting to get rogue clients or customers to pay up can sap the energy out of your business and an increase in stress levels. You also have the added dilemma of not knowing if proceedings should be taken further or if you should simply be patient and wait to be paid to preserve the customer relationship. To help you decide, here are the top 3 occasions when you should use a debt recovery agency…

All attempts to collect payments haven’t worked
If the deadline for payment has long passed and despite all of your efforts to contact the client they still haven’t paid, then it may be time to consider seeking the assistance of a debt recovery agency. This can provide your with a more formal means of reminding the client you are serious and fully intend to recover what is owed.

You are unable to contact the customer
On rare occasions your customer may go missing when you try to chase them for payment. This can make it a costly and time consuming process trying to trace their address or whereabouts. Often the customer may simply be ignoring your attempts at contact. This is when you should use a debt recovery agency to act on your behalf to trace the customer and get them to pay up. Debt recovery agencies will have all the resources necessary at their disposal to trace debtors.

Your customer is using delaying tactics
Popular delaying tactics include persistently using excuses not to pay and disputing the amount owed. A debt recovery agency will increase the pressure on this type of rogue customer to pay up using all the experience we have at our disposal.