Recent News Reminds Us No Business Is Too Big To Fail
If your business operates as a supplier to a small group of large brands, then this will probably be providing the vital foundations that underpin your operation, ensuring its survival. But what happens if one of those businesses fails? This can and does happen even to some household names as we have seen in the…
Advice On Calculating Late Payment Costs
Most business owners have experienced a late paying client at one point or another. Trying to recover the money can be a frustrating, time consuming and sometimes even a costly process. The latter can often put people off pursuing debts for fear of losing more money than the amount they are trying to recover. Fortunately,…
Gym Membership Debt Recovery
As the annual January fitness craze begins to ebb away and gyms start to empty, the prospect of members defaulting on their payments or attempting to get out of lengthy contractual agreements is likely to rise once again. As we head towards spring, this is the most likely time gyms will be dealing with cancellations…
Are You Keeping A Close Eye On Your Customers?
If you run a b2b business then you may already be aware of how difficult it can be to recover late payments. Often it can seem easier to stop chasing when the costs of doing so outweigh the investment you put in. This is why it’s all the more important to do some detective work…
What Should A Late Payment Include?
Late payment or debt recovery letters as they are sometimes called can be an effective way to recover debts if they are put together correctly. Here’s some advice on how to compile your own letter and what and how much to include. Before we get started it is also worth noting that you may need…
January Debt Recovery
January can be a particularly difficult time for business owners. It often takes time to rebuild momentum following a shut down when most staff and employees have been off work for what is often the longest period of the year. While businesses have their problems getting up to speed, they are also more likely to…
What Does The New Pre-Action Protocol Mean For Creditors?
The New Pre-Action Protocol introduced on October 1 by the Ministry of Justice has slipped in barely unnoticed but it will almost certainly make debt recovery harder when dealing with individual debtors. If you are in the midst of considering a claim against an individual or even a sole trader, the claim will now need…
How To Improve Your Debt Recovery Processes
Late payments can have a major impact on business survival therefore it is crucial that an effective process is in place to tackle the problem before it gets out of hand. As with any effective operation, preparation is the key and there is a lot that can be done to streamline your business debt recovery…