Category: <span>Brexit</span>

What is the government’s ‘breathing space’ scheme?

The government’s ‘breathing space’ scheme could offer those in debt a valuable 60 day respite period to seek help and get their finances in order. The breathing space scheme, also known as the debt respite scheme, was first announced by the government in October 2017. The scheme is intended to give people time to get…

Recovering Debt from Outside Within the EU

Recovering debt from companies outside the UK is no easy task for the average business owner but despite the popular myth that it is impossible to recover money from foreign companies, the EU does offer similar protections to those in the UK. All this of course may change if the UK fails to reach a…

Is Your Client Too Big to Fail?

There is a certain amount of comfort to having larger business clients you tend not to get from dealing with smaller more volatile businesses. This often comes from the false belief that this sort of client is too big to fail. Unfortunately, this belief can be misplaced leading to complacency and lack of planning for…

Don’t Give Up Chasing That International Business Debt

With all this talk of Brexit you can be forgiven for thinking anything involving international business is fraught with red tape and hostile foreign nationals out to get us. In some cases you may be right and it can be much more difficult to recover debts from customers abroad than here in the UK. To…

Will Brexit Increase Business Debt?

Brexit for now hasn’t resulted in the economic catastrophe many people predicted. This may be largely down to the fact that the divorce from the EU is likely to be long and protracted. Formal notice of the UK’s intention to leave has yet to be given and we are left with a period of uncertainty…