Tag: <span>Late Payment Policy</span>

Top 5 excuses for late payments

Are you not being paid by someone or a client? We’ve put a list of ‘excuses’ that most companies use when you chase them for payment! 1. We can’t pay you until we get paid! “We are still waiting for payment from contractors/suppliers to make payment before we can pay you” 2. We sent you…

The history of debt collection

Ancient debt slavery The earliest recording of how debt was dealt with goes back to 3000BC and the ancient civilization of Sumer who populated an area that is now modern-day south east Iraq. Chronicles explain how a debtor who was unable to pay a debt along with their family and servants became debt slaves. They…


Sometimes, despite the best efforts of property managers, service charge arrears continue to be a problem in blocks where property owners find themselves in financial difficulties, or they are simply unwilling to pay. In cases where demand letters are ignored and payment deadlines missed there is often no option other than to take matters to…

FCA says credit card companies are not doing enough to aid those in persistent debt

The FCA has told credit card companies that they must do more to help customers who are in persistent debt. In 2018 the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) introduced new rules aimed to help those customers who had been in persistent credit card debt for the last 36 months. Their recent research though has found that…

How and why your business should consider tightening up its credit terms

Tightening up your business’ credit terms could help to save you time and money on chasing up late and non-paying customers. Businesses across the UK are facing serious financial consequences due to the late payment culture that is leaving them waiting months for the money owed to them. If you’re struggling to get your invoices…

How to improve your business’ cashflow at Christmas

Use the tips and advice in this blog to help your business to maintain a healthy cashflow this Christmas. Most businesses will experience some level of seasonality over the Christmas period. For many retail and catering businesses it is their busiest time of year, but for businesses in other industries, sales can come to a…

3 common late payment excuses and how to handle them

Learn how to deal with these three common late payment excuses efficiently to get paid quicker. If your client is constantly deflecting your requests for payment and you’re beginning to worry that your invoices are never going to get paid, it’s time to tackle the problem head-on. Before you make another phone call to chase…

Why You Should Keep Your Customer Up To Date On Late Payment Policy

If you have owned a business for a period of time, there is a good chance you have come across clients who either decide not to pay for the goods or services you provided or try to delay payments. This can sometimes set in motion a long the long and difficult process of debt recovery…